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Showing posts from September, 2010

GPU Processing and Password Cracking

GPU Processing and Password Cracking : " Recently, research students at Georgia Tech released a report outlining the dangers that GPUs pose to the current state of password security. There are a number of ways to crack a password, all with their different pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, the limiting factor in all of these methods is processing complexity. The more operations that need to be run, the longer it takes, and the less useful each tool is for cracking passwords. In the past, most recommendations for password security revolved around making sure your password wasn’t something predictable, such as “password” or your birthday. With today’s (and tomorrows) GPUs, this may no longer be enough. Although the article never mentions them by name, the newest tools in password cracking are based around two tools, nVidia’s CUDA and AMD’s Stream SDKs. These tools allow programs to be written in C that can be broken up and utilize the parallel nature of the hardware th...

Open source substituto para o LabView

Open source substituto para o LabView : " Ha algum tempo recebemos na empresa onde trabalho a visita de um representante da National Instruments que demonstrou varias placas e o LabView para utilizar como ferramentas para diagnostico e testes de placas na nossa linha de producao. Na epoca eu comecei a imaginar algumas solucoes open source para fazer as mesmas funcoes da solucao apresentada pela NI, uma vez que a nossa empresa preferiu nao comprar a solucao deles. Hoje resolvi documentar as quais software e placa eu utilizarei para implementar uma solucao equivalte ao da NI: - Scilab: - Comedi: - USBDUX: "

More on Web3D

Following some posts on standards for 3D ( Web CAD and Pseudo 3D game ) here are some other links on Web3D: