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Showing posts from July, 2010

Quickstart: SSH Public Key Infrastructure

The following quickstart was copied from By Jim Weller The purpose of this document is to quickly step you through using passwordless authentication to connect to servers using the SSH2 protocol. This document is unique in that it unifies all the clients and servers under a single identity. This document is very coarse and expects that you'll follow along with the videos and only use the notes as a supplement. Prerequisites Commercial SSH client version 3.2 or higher installed. Commercial SSH Accession agent PuTTY SSH2 Client Suite OpenSSH environment. Cygwin shown here, but Linux, Mac X, BSD, Solaris and many others apply Video Guides Generating your public and private keys Commercial SSH client to Commercial SSH Server Commercial SSH client to OpenSSH Server PuTTY client to Comm...

Free Open Source Parametric 3D CAD on Linux

The folks looking for a free and open source option for a Parametric 3D CAD have theirs choice now. HeeksCAD is a parametric 3D CAD, based on the open source modeler OpenCascade . Actually it is for Linux and Windwos. It uses WX Widgets as its widget set. The HeeksCAD site lacks on screenshots, as long as they are keeping a good work on the software... (let the community provides the screenshots ;-) Googling a little we can found a good discussion in a forum at (it is in French) From the forum discussion above, I had extracted the following shots: I had already used the Salome (another OpenCascade based tool), but the CAD it provides where more for geometry design for finite element pre and post processing. Diferent from Salome, HeeksCAD has much more functionalities from CADs like Pro/Engineer and SolidWorks . I have around 8 years of experience in P ro/Engineer and 5 years using SolidWorks , I had no difficult to ...

uSleep on windows (win32)

I am facing a terrible issue regarding timing on windows. Googling arround, I've found those infos: Using QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency APIs in Dev-C++ ( -queryperformancecounter-and_13.html ) QueryPerformanceCounter() vs. GetTickCount() How to time a block of code And Results of some quick research on timing in Win32 With that I'm trying to write something like a uSleep function for windows: # include<windows.h> void uSleep ( int waitTime){ __int64 time1 = 0, time2 = 0, sysFreq = 0; QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&time1); QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&freq); do { QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&time2); // }while((((time2-time1)*1.0)/sysFreq)<waitTime); } while ( (time2-time1) <waitTime); } T...