Well it actually happened, as I was foreseeing , Richard Stallman and Peter Sunde had met the Brazilian President. Sérgio Amadeu wrote on the blog trezentos : Mariel Zasso took a picture of Lula with Peder Sunde, one of Pirate Bay's founders. The Brazilian President defends the freedom on the internet and importance of collaboration. He said on his speach, after meet Richard Stallman, Marcelo Branco, Mad Dog, Mario Teza, Pablo, Sergio Amadeu, Marcos Mazoni, Marcelo Tossati, Peter Sunde, Bruno Souza among other: “the internet must still ”… “On my government is forbiden to forbid.”…”The fredom is source of the creativity”. I was there, and the president's speech was really impressive. P.S.: Lula had also met Karlison Bezerra ;-)